Womenz Magazine

BREAKING: Official Census Results Suggest Millions Less Voted In 2020 Election Than Indicated By Final Result Counts, Report Says

Joe Biden pledges deeper

United States (US) Census data released last week called into question the official vote tally from the 2020 election. The collected data shows an unusual anomaly in the reported results.

According to new voting and registration tables released today by the US Census Bureau, the 2020 presidential election had the highest voter turnout of the 21st century, with 66.8% of citizens 18 years and older voting in the election.

According to the Census, the recorded number of people voting in 2020 was tallied at 154,628,000. On the other hand, official results place the number of actual ballots cast slightly north of 158 million. That’s a discrepancy of nearly four million votes.

Speaking to pollster Richard Baris during an episode of Inside the Numbers, lawyer Robert Barnes said historically, the Census tends to “pin on the nose” the recorded vote numbers with the actual results. In other words, often the two data sets reasonably match. Barnes is right. For example, the bureau was nearly spot-on in 2008, slightly under reporting that 131,100,000 voted, while the official results showed 131,300,000 ballots cast.

Of course, sometimes the Census has missed the mark. But for decades, in almost every case where the Census grossly botched the results, it was because the bureau over recorded the number of those who voted.

Barnes asked, “Why are there five million more ballots counted in the presidential election than reported voting according to the Census data, which has almost always been accurate?” He continued, “Isn’t it amazing that it [under reporting] is almost exactly the number of questionable Biden ballots?”

Barnes said, “It’s as good of evidence as you could possibly have that there were five million … questionable ballots … that the Census itself says are counting votes of people who claim they didn’t vote.”

However, recently released results from the Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey voting supplement indicate that 2020’s voting spike occurred across both Democratic-leaning demographic groups and Republican-leaning ones.

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