Shocking footage has surfaced showing the moments before Zhanna Khusainova, a 48-year-old mother, was fatally attacked by a pack of stray dogs while on her...
Claire Turner, a mother from Oxfordshire, initially thought her shoulder pain was just a pulled muscle. But when the discomfort and swelling persisted, she sought...
A suspected Las Vegas “hitman,” Michael Coleman, was recently indicted on three additional murder charges connected to an alleged federal loan fraud and gang-related activity....
Amber DeWitt, 31, narrowly survived a rare and aggressive infection that developed after her emergency c-section, leaving her with an open wound and a lengthy...
Whoopi Goldberg and Billy Crystal shared a deeply emotional moment on The View, touching fans worldwide. The When Harry Met Sally… actor appeared on the...
Suzanne Clark Simpson, a 51-year-old mother of four, vanished just an hour after telling her own mother about alleged physical abuse by her husband, Brad...