Womenz Magazine

Boy who was mauled saving sister from savage dog attack shows off incredible recovery

A little boy who heroically saved his little sister from a savage dog attack has made an incredible recovery.

Bridger Walker, six, was left with horrific injuries to his face after he put himself between his dog and his younger sister last summer.

He sustained several bites to his face and needed around 90 stitches after the incident.

However, two renowned dermatologists heard his incredible story, Dr Dhaval Bhanusali and Dr Cory B Maughan, and offered to work on his scars completely free. Dr Sandra Lee – also known as Dr Pimple Popper – also helped to ensure he got the top-of-the-line treatments.

Bridger, from Cheyenne in Wyoming, is undergoing high-tech laser treatments to help make his facial scars less visible.

On July 9, Bridger was attacked by the animal and was bitten several times on his face and head before he grabbed his sister by the hand and ran away with her to keep her safe, ‘saving her life’.

He then heroically declared: “If someone was going to die, I thought it should be me.”

His aunt, Nicole Walker, posted a series of photographs of the siblings on Instagram and explained what happened.

She also reached out to top celebs who played superheroes on the big screen, so they could “learn about this latest addition to their ranks”.

The post went viral and Hulk star Mark Ruffalo commented that he admired the child’s “courage” and “heart”.

“Real courage isn’t dominating people or fighting against people or walking around like a tough guy. Real courage is knowing what is right to do and doing it even when it might end up hurting you somehow,” the actor posted.

Dr Bhanusali told the  Daily Mail : “Every once in a while, we come across patients who do more for us than we can ever do for them.

“Bridger inspired me and in a time where so much negativity was surrounding the world, he provided hope and represented all that is good.

“It is my greatest privilege to try and help, and while a few of us may get the credit, this story is more about the dermatology world coming together to help a little boy who is truly a hero.

“We are fortunate to be in a place where we can help heal and I’m just thankful to be part of this wonderful dermatology community.”

Bridger’s dad Robert told the American Academy of Dermatology Association: “After going above and beyond to provide support, encouragement, and expert care, Dr. Bhanusali reinforced our appreciation for the life-changing care that dermatologists provide.

“My family will always be grateful to him for finding an innovative treatment solution to help our son. Bridger won’t be constantly reminded of the attack when looking in the mirror and can return to his childhood, nearly unscarred.”

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