Womenz Magazine

Gorgeous Makeup Idea For Green Eyes

Gorgeous Makeup Idea For Green Eyes

Green as an eye color is the most exotic color for an eye. Being one of the most beautiful colors is not the only advantage for this eye color. From this color to be a rare eye color another aspect of people with this eye color is that when it comes to make-up this color becomes the trickiest to deal with. So, today we will discuss the make-up for those who have green eye color.

Read More: Get Really Pretty Eyes without Wearing Makeup

green eyes

The List Entails the Following Makeup Tips:

• With green eyes the Smokey eye effect works the best. Colors like copper bronze looks absolutely fabulous on these eyes. Hints of green eyeshadow on these eyes do not hurt; in fact they bring out the most of gorgeousness with people who have green eye color.

• To highlight such a beautiful eye color is another tip. This can be done by intelligent application of black pencil / liner. The focus of such application is highlighting the green aspect of the eye and making the eye appear more beautiful. To bring about the best from the green eye color, the best tip is use pencil/liner on the outlines of the eye to pop out the green color and deliver the purpose of exquisiteness.

Read More: Wonderful Pastel Eyes Makeup Tutorials

green eyes makeup

• Play with color purple! If two colors are  brought best in their combination, they are green and purple. The application of purple color on eyes of people having green eye color brings about the actual sensation and beauty of the eye color. Hence making their eyes stand out and bring in the most of gorgeous prominence.

• To make those green eyes pop out, it is highly recommended to use a peach or a creamy blush on. Always, works the best!

• NO SILVER. If you are playing with the make-up for your green eyes do not go for silvers I repeat DONOT. Reason is it prevents the eye to become prominent since too much I the attention goes to the silver details. Since this is not the exact notion for a green eye, hence it doesn’t work!

Read More: 10 Simple Ways to Make Your Eyes Look Bigger

beautiful green eyes makeup

• When in application mode, try to put the red based colors more in preference than the blue based. This is because the red notes bring more about the green eye than the blue counterparts.

• That smoldering sexy look for the green eye? Well, Only Mascara and with its heavy and lashed application. It focuses on the green eyes and gives the cat like sexy glare!

Read More: Enhance your Blue Eyes with Just the Right Makeup

 green eyes makeup tips

• Pinks and plums are another blessing for the green eye in terms of make up  So, there you girls / women with green eyes. Go enjoy the most of the beautiful feature nature has gifted (and specifically good genes). We hope you make the best out this piece of information. Happy Application!

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