Womenz Magazine

Enhance your Blue Eyes with Just the Right Makeup

enhance your blue eyes with just the right makeup

enhance your blue eyes with just the right makeupIt is no surprise that choosing eye makeup colors is easy. You might not agree to this statement due to a variety of color choices available in the market. All you need to worry about is stick to a few ground rules and all this process of color selection for a unique eye makeup for blue eyes will become less confusing but overwhelming simultaneously.

Do we all not want to look good in the makeup which we wear? Don’t we all want appreciation for our hour’s effort to beautify ourselves? Now choosing eye makeup will become easy. Just read up the relevant information in our article as to how you can enhance eye makeup for blue eyes. Also we have a few tips for color selection in eye makeup for other eye colors such as green, hazel and brown eyes. Bu applying these tips, you will see a better change as you would have chosen the best suited colors to compliment your eye color and also the skin tone.

To begin with, note that there is nothing wrong with matching the blue eye shadow with your blue eye color. All we suggest is to avoid the monochromatic look and bring out a contrast to your beautiful eyes. If you comfortable with that you are applying on our eyes, nothing like it. Define the blue color which you possess.

For eyes which are deep dark blue that it borders on a purple shade: In that case, it goes almost with any kind of an eye shadow, mostly dark colors. Save the darkest eye shadow for highlighting purposes.

A mid-level blue:

you can apply a range of colors from light eye shadow to mid-range colors. The darkest eye shadow can be used in the crease areas to line the eyes with.

Light blue eyes:

such eye color can be overpowered by dark colors. So, limit the use of dark colors as you might be facing this problem already. If really feel like using a dark color, do it to line the eyes only. Therefore, it is best for you to choose soft colors.

For grey-blue eyes:

Such people face the problem that when they wear blue clothes, eyes appear blue in color. When they wear grey, eyes appear grey or green at times. You have the benefit of matching the eye shadow with the clothes color.

Blue-eyed women should avoid black mascara and prefer brown or charcoal brown colored mascara instead to enhance their blue eyes.

Green eyes:

these women should avoid deep or shimmery eye shadows. Those who have an olive complexion shouldn’t use silver or blue shadows either. Deep chocolate brown suit them the best.

Hazel eyes:

Go towards eye shadows such as gold, soft pink, lavender and mocha. Avoid blue-hued shadows.

When talking about women who have brown eyes: they are the most lucky as they have the benefit of choosing from the widest selection of eye shades available in stores. Greens, bronze, brown, gold, champagne, blue can suit them best. Also shades of peach, coral, copper, and plum can also be tried by these lucky women.

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