Womenz Magazine

Relationship Advice for Break Ups

When it’s all come to a crashing end, getting over relationship break up’s can be tough. Use this advice.

Relationship break ups are never easy. The only thing you seem to think about is what went wrong, can I get him/her back or I’ll show him/her. Dating relationships are so tough and sometimes you just need to take a step back and think logically to get past the hurt. Don’t just sit and eat lots of food, be proactive!

Here’s my relationship advice for messy relationship break ups:

Friends and Family. I know this may seem obvious but lean on the relationships with your friends and family. Spend time doing things together which can take your mind off the relationship break up. Family relationships can save you from feeling alone.

Resist the urge to beg. In the long run that guy will lose all respect for you. Dating relationships and break ups can make us go loopy and do things we wouldn’t do. Take my relationship advice and don’t go down the path of begging for the relationship to work again. If you think you can fix things or still need to talk it over, then do that but keep your self respect!

Make a change in your life. Find a new way to spend your time because you probably invested so much time in your relationships, you’ve let other things slide. Take a language class,make up classes, get into art, join a gym, and take up kick boxing!

Understand your mistakes but also realize that you are not a failure. If you made mistakes, then learn from them- it can make your next relationship stronger. Dwelling on what might have been won’t help because it takes two to make a relationship; it also takes two to end a relationship.

Don’t rush into another relationship. New dating relationships can help you feel better in the short term; it’s not a good idea to rush right into another relationship so soon.

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