Womenz Magazine

Don’t Do These 13 Things While Doing Co-parenting

Co-parenting is no laughing matter when you get divorced. What I find surprising is that when you were married you settled on how to raise your children, but now that you’re divorced, it’s all a war. And co-parenting is hard work. Add in pain, anger, and general disapproval, and that can be a recipe for disaster. Below is a list of things NOT to do about parenting together.

1 – Don’t reply to emails from your ex. Ignore the fact that the information sent to you is probably very important and just press the delete button.

2 – Don’t answer the phone when you have kids and see that you have an old call. After all, why are you letting them talk about your time?

3 – Don’t tell your ex if your kids get sick while you are having them. It doesn’t matter if the other party has to take you to the doctor when you are returning children.

4 – Don’t let your children text your ex. Much better if your kids do and then pick up the phone or send an email.

5 – Do not inform other parents about parent / teacher talks or grades for children. They don’t want them to be involved in their training.

6 – Don’t tell your ex that you are leaving town with the kids. This is your time, and the other parent doesn’t need to know.

7 – Don’t tell your ex if you leave town. If there is an emergency with one of the children, you will hear it when you return.

8 – Don’t talk badly about your ex-spouse with children. They need to know that you are broke and how lame the other parent is.

9 – Pick up and drop off the children too late, or pick them up and drop off early. Make sure you don’t call the other parents to let them know you are because it will ruin the fun!

10 – Do not tell the other parent about activities for which you have registered children. You pay for it, why should the other parent go to games or games?

11 – Do not discipline or establish rules that are the same in other parents’ households. If your child has been punished by a parent and it matches what you had, be sure to let your child go free, after all, it didn’t happen at your home.

12 – Don’t compromise when it comes to being flexible. If your child is sick, insist on taking them anyway! This is your time !!

13 – Paying alimony and medical expenses too late. After all, the parent with the most custody does not need the money, he usually buys the house.

Take a look at the list above and invert each item on this list if you want to be a successful co-parent! If you do even one thing from the list above, STOP, look in the mirror and think about how that affects your children. Change your ways for your mind and for your children.

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