Womenz Magazine

Bad Memories: How to Forget The Past and Move On

Everyone is bound to experience unhappiness in his or her life. Memories don’t leave our mind walls at any time. Bad memories are always disturbing thing one can have in their life. Thinking of good times increases your blood but bad memories are a burden on us. Prove of your braveness is that how you get rid of these bad memories, how to forget the past and move on. Everyone has those bad memories which make you feel like crawling under the furniture, hurting your self esteem, making you dull etc.

• How To Forget The Past: Accept It

Accept what had happened with you is the first step in how to forget the past and move on. Believe in yourself. What has passed will never come back that you can correct it your way. It is obviously not possible to re-write that fact and make them like you wanted so if you will not accept and keep on thinking about your bad memories you can never achieve what you wanted. Don’t discuss your past with your loved ones to console your self, this way you can never avoid it.

• How To Forget The Past: Face Challenges

You have bad memories or not, everybody always has to face certain challenges that are related to his past, present and future. Face those challenges if you really want to know how to forget the past. Your pain of your past will certainly convert it to anger and you might do something stupid that nobody expects it from you so you have to face every single challenge alone to prove it to your own self.

• How To Forget The Past: Stop Forgetting

Human beings are very emotional creature and we humans are by nature affectionate with feelings and emotions and to be feeling down and unhappy at times is inevitable. We cannot force our mind to forget something completely, nevertheless someday somehow it will be reminded to us and if we especially talk about bad memories they are impossible to forget forever. If you try to forget eventually you will remember it more and more so in my point of view its better to start any other activity when you have bad memories. Like for example that time go to sleep, or have a conversation with your pal or try to hang out for something.

• How To Forget The Past: Focus On The Future

We all have a past. There are things in our past that we are proud of and others are those bad memories. Believe strongly in this that everything in life happen for a reason and the reason for going through these unhappiness is actually to help you to better understand yourself, to allow you to grow wiser and to move on. Either way, our past does not define us. We are recognized by our present and should focus on future, the upcoming of our life. Make plans for near future to vanish those bad memories that are teasing you.

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