Womenz Magazine

Relationship tips to Save Marriage

To save something as precious as your marriage is not an easy task, especially, if you are still in love with your husband and your man has finally decided to split up. Does that mean, you are one step away from a divorce? How can you possibly live alone in future?

It is not easy for a woman to accept the fact that her husband does not love her and she is the only one holding to a failing marriage, when we fail to find a suitable answer, we tend to find a scapegoat. Here are some predictable relationship tips to follow:

This relationship tip suggests that women should cry, beg and plead to save your marriage. According to this relationship tip, you find a host of complaints against your man and start hurling hurting words and sometimes even get physically violent, trying to find the solution to the problem and save your marriage.

The relationship tip demands that to save your marriage, you might resort to some amount of emotional blackmailing. These include giving your spouse enough reasons for not leaving you – kids finances, home, etc are cited at strategic moments.

The truth of the matter is that to save your relationship, the first thing you ought to do is to allow your man to give you the reasons behind such a decision. If you are serious to save your marriage, listen patiently to his or her charges, without immediately blaming, accusing, justifying, etc.

Listen women! Once, you have heard him or her out fully, without uttering a word, it is time for you to clear your own stable. Make an honest pledge to rectify your side of the story and if your spouse feels true love and respect for you, you have a very high chance to save your marriage.

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