Womenz Magazine

Woman explains wonderful results of not washing her face for few months

Woman explains
Credit: imen.akremi/TikTok

A woman revealed the shocking results of not washing her face for several months. Although most of us see skincare as a chance to pamper ourselves, TikToker @imen.akremi has reduced her skincare routine with astounding results.

‘That sounds crazy,’ she admits. Imen explained her choice to forgo face wash in front of the camera, bare-faced.

“…my face now looks like a potato because I just woke up,” she joked adding: “But let me tell you something, I stopped washing my face in the morning months ago.”

She also stated that she would have thought the beauty trick was ‘disgusting’ before trying it herself, but she told viewers she had no regrets. “But now, this is what I do and I like it,” she said bluntly. Instead of cleaning her entire face, Imen wipes her eyes with water to remove any dirt from the night before according to Tyla.

She will then lightly mist her face with rose water before pressing her skin dry with a face cloth to remove any excess. “After this, my face feels fresh and clean and I don’t need to do much,” she said, as she showed a close-up of her stunning skin afterward.

Though many of us are used to spending a small fortune on beauty products, after viewing the short movie, some of us may be inspired to change our routines.

Several celebrities, including Magic Mike’s Salma Hayek, have been known to skip morning washes, including Imen. In fact, the star recently stated that she refuses to wash her face in the morning since her grandmother taught her the beauty secret when she was a little girl.

Given that the Latino star is in her fifties and still posts makeup-free pictures on social media, it’s difficult to argue with the suggestion.

She explained: “What happens at night is your skin produces all the oils that your skin needs to look youthful. It regenerates. So, wash your skin really great at night but don’t wash the hard work off your skin in the morning.”.

Some celebrities, including Cameron Diaz, have admitted to rarely cleaning their faces. Maybe forgo the cleanser the next time you do your top-up store to save cash.

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