Womenz Magazine

Stray Pups’ Fate In Peril As Pandemic Closes International Flights From Mexico

The domestic demands for pandemic pups are on the rise, and there aren’t enough pups these days to fulfill the demand of willing adopters. While it sounds like a “good problem” to have, in that shelters are empty in some cases, that isn’t always the case. Due to the cancellation of flights to and from Mexico as a result of COVID-19, people and pets are stranded.

As a result, Canadians who volunteered to bring pups in need from Mexico into their county are unable to do so. International adoptions have become the norm, with so many people wanting to adopt puppies and dogs. Since many Canadians are unable to find a pet located in their area, they reach out to international rescue groups to help them find a dog or pup in need.

According to Ottawa CTV News, “The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association and Ottawa Dog Rescue both confirm a surge in applications to adopt a dog during the pandemic with very few still available.”

Andrea Renaud and her fiancee are Canadians who decided to work with veterinarians and rescue organizations in Mexico. They planned to pay to get homeless street dogs and puppies the necessary vaccinations and documents needed so they could be adopted out abroad. Since the pandemic has restricted flights as of this writing, Renaud and her fiancee are stuck in Mexico these past few months.

Called The Tejido project, the couple hopes flights will resume in the coming months so they can get these pups into new forever homes in Canada.

H/T: Ottawa CTV News

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