Womenz Magazine

Brutal Man Forced Jug On Her Head As Her Puppy Watched, Threw Them Both Out

When this precious dog was no longer wanted by her human, he did the unthinkable. After she gave birth to puppies, he threw her out along with the runt of the litter. But before he kicked her out, he forced a water jug onto her head so she could barely breathe. The poor dog wandered the streets unable to eat or drink.

The dog and her pup walked around aimlessly hoping someone would help them. But whenever someone got close, to try to remove the jug, she took off running. It was heart-wrenching, to say the least. She knew she needed human intervention but she no longer trusted people.

The WH Rescue Team was called in to help. Even though they had a ton of experience capturing strays, this was their hardest rescue yet. They had limited time knowing the pup couldn’t breathe properly but the dog kept running further and further away.

With the help of a few Good Samaritans, the rescue team was able to corner the dog. It was pitch black out and she just stared at the rescuers with such despair. Her empty belly ached. She was afraid and each breath was nearly impossible to take.

But the rescuers were not going to give up! They spent the next few hours trying different techniques. Finally, the dog and her pup were in their care. They raced to the vet clinic so they could free her from the jug. As they laid her down on the exam table, they noticed she had wounds all over her body.

A woman called the vet clinic after she heard about the dog’s rescue and mentioned she lived nearby her former owner. She said she had seen him hitting the dog with a pickax. Thankfully her wounds weren’t life-threatening and only required sutures. She’d also need antibiotics and medication for pain.

We are so relieved that the WH Rescue Team didn’t give up! Because of them, the dog and her pup are safe and will go to a loving home. To see the dramatic rescue,

check out the video below.

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