Womenz Magazine

Golden retriever mistakes owner’s furry hood for a toy and the result is hilarious

Horrible news has been reported in Rhode Island, a U.S. state in New England where a mischievous dog suddenly attacks his owner’s furry hood and mistook it for a toy,

refusing to let go in a hilarious clip. Footage that is shown Makayla struggling to pull it away from Grissom.

She tells her pooch: “Oh my God! No one prepares you, for what you do when this happens.

“This is not how I want to go out, Grissom.”

According to DailyStar “The two tussle for the grey faux fur-lined hood until  Makayla gives and lies on the wooden porch, letting Grissom drag her across the floor.

While she is snickering insanely, her whirlwind companion chooses to enjoy a reprieve and rests on the floor with her.

Yet, Grissom stays monitored and begins pulling the hood when Makayla pivots

“Let go of my hood,” she says. “He is trying to do it again.”

Viewers of the clip, posted by doorbell camera manufacturer Ring to YouTube, were left in stitches and called it “the best thing to watch”.

One said: “Oh my God you had my cracking up! He just wants to play!”

Another wrote: “I had already lost it at ‘This is not how I want to go out Grissom,’ and then her laugh just made it worse. What a great laugh.”

“The moment the dog lays down with her,” a third added. “Like we can lay here all day I’m not letting go.”

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