Womenz Magazine

Lower Back Pain, its causes and cures

lower back pain its causes and cures

lower back pain its causes and curesIn our daily life, we suffer from numerous pains and diseases like headache, ear pain, throat pain, muscular pain etc. Among these pains and disorders, lower back pain is the most common in men and women throughout the world. According to a medical research, about 80% of people affecting by lower back pain at some point in their life time. It is a very severe and common musculoskeletal disorder, which is growing rapidly among men and women.

Lower back pain has many reasons and causes. But unfortunately, no specific cause is found to stop the pain. According to some neurologists, the main and core causes of lower back pain are as follows:

Causes of lower back pain:

  • The most common cause of lower back pain, found by the neurologists is nerve root irritation. People having nerve root irritation, their symptoms and risk for lower back pain will improve within two months.
  •  The second cause of lower back pain is having any injury or disease to the muscles, bones or nerves of the spine. Many disorders in the abdomen like Appendicitis, Aneurysms, Kidney Disease, Bladder Infection and Ovarian Disorders etc can cause lower back pain.
  • Lower back pain is also caused by Herniation or bulging of the disc between the lower back bones.
  •  Infection of the bones (Osteomyelitis) is another cause of the lower back pain.
  •  Irregular or imbalance use of body muscles can cause lower back pain.
  •  Non-Infectious Inflammation of the spine (Spondylitis) can cause stiffness and pain in the spine, which is worse in the morning.

Cure or treatments of Lower Back Pain:

  • Put a pillow between your knees, while lying on one side. It will bring comfort to you. Some neurologists suggested that lying on your back with a pillow under your knees will decrease the lower back pain.
  •  Exercises may also decrease lower back pain. But no specific or particular exercises were found to decrease the lower back pain. The normal physical activities and work or exercises like stretching maneuvers will decrease the risk of lower back pain.
  •  Topical agents such as deep healing can be effective to some extent. But avoid too much heat as it is dangerous for the functions of the spine.

These are some of the major causes and cures of lower back pain. For further guidance and medical treatment, consult a neurologist to save you from lower back pain disease.

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