Womenz Magazine

Prince William left ‘regretful’ over broken bond with Prince Harry

Prince William Harry

Prince William is reportedly being overtaken with regret since his unbreakable bond with Prince Harry is utterly shattered.

The claim has been brought forward by Vanity Fair royal correspondent Katie Nicholl who believes Prince William’s intentions got overshadowed and in turn made Prince Harry utterly offended.

Read Also: Prince William, Lauren Price interview watched by thousands of people on YouTube

Ms. Nicholl got candid over it all during her interview with Real Royalty’s YouTube channel.

There she was quoted saying, William probably does have a major regret over the conversation that he had with his brother around the time of the engagement when Harry and Meghan got engaged.”

“When William basically sat down with Harry and urged him to just take his time, not to rush into anything – what was intended as well-meant, brotherly advice didn’t go down with Harry at all.” – thenews

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