Womenz Magazine

Chrissy Teigen, John Legend share family snaps as kids Luna & Miles get ready for 1st day of school; SEE PICS

Singer John Legend and cookbook author Chrissy Teigen have shared some emotional pictures as daughter Luna, 4, and son Miles, 2, get ready for their first days of school. The parents have taken to Instagram to post pictures where they seem too emotional and don’t want to let go of their kids.

Taking to her social media platform, Chrissy Teigen shared 3 slides of pictures, where Luna and Miles are preparing themselves for their new sessions at school. In one of the pictures, Luna, wearing a pretty pink dress along with a hair bow seems to be too excited for school. In the other picture, Miles to seems to be all geared up for his first day at school. While captioning the pictures as “It’s happening,” the mother in Chrissy definitely had a hard time believing that her kids are going off to school!

In the final slide, Chrissy, the kids, and Legend are hugging, before they take off for school. In the picture, the mom and the dad seem to be too emotional as their kids would go off to school. Chrissy captioned the post with “tears,” indicating that the parents are having a hard time grasping the situation.

Take a look at Chrissy’s post:

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The All of Me singer too, took to Twitter to share a snap of daughter Luna with him. Captioning the picture as “the first day of school,” Legend seemed to be too excited about his kids’ new journeys.

Take a look at Legend’s post:

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Recently, Chrissy and John also took to flaunting their love on social media while having some pizza.

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