Womenz Magazine

Luscious Home Spa Treatment for your Hands

Home Spa Treatment for Hands

Home Spa Treatment for HandsThis is the time to rejuvenate and pamper your hands with our exciting home spa treatments for hands. It is not a big issue whether you work hard with your hands or you work in water for long hours. Just try these home spa techniques to soften and shine of your hands.

Home spa is not a big deal. In fact now days, it is become a common practice among young girls and women of all ages. To rejuvenate and redefine their facial beauty, skin glow and over all body, women tend to do home spa. Home spa is also good for those who can’t afford heavy prices and costs of professional spa treatments at spa salons.

Get soft, shiny and glowing hands by home spa tips. Home spa treatments for hands include very easy and applicable things to do. Just read and follow the points and have soft and shiny hands despite of the fact that hands are the most neglected part of our body.

Home Spa Treatments For Hands:

First of all you need to clean your hands and remove dirty skin. For this purpose, use a good quality hand cleanser and apply it on your hands and massage for 10 minutes. Rinse off with Luke warm water. If your hands are dry enough, then use rice water or rice oil. It is the best moisturizing ingredient to soften your hands. You can easily make this rice oil at home by simply sock rice overnight. Then blend the soak rice along with water. Add a pinch of turmeric. Make a paste. Your rice oil is ready to use.This mixture also helps to improve the blood circulation of your hands.


Use best quality manicure products to avoid inflammatory actions or allergies at your hands. Remove dead skin around nails and shape them accordingly. Manicure procedure is a common practice among every woman so no need to explain here.

Hand Massage:

There are hundreds of massages that can make your hands soft, shiny and glowing. Combine glycerin with rose water or either with cucumber juice. Dip a cotton ball in it and rub it on your hands. Do this for at least 10 minutes. Rinse off your hands with cool water. Apply a hand moisturizer. This massage will make your hands clean and smooth. You can also use exfoliating techniques for your hands. These techniques will remove dead and extra skin of your hands and leave them in a refreshing way. For this, simply mix lemon juice and sugar. Gently massage the solution at your hands until the sugar dissolves. Rinse with cool water and apply hand cream.

Remember another important tip of your home spa treatment for hands that hands need extra care and attention on regular basis. Once a week home spa treatment is not enough. Daily massage your hands. Apply moisturizer after every water work and also don’t forget to apply good quality hand cream before going to bed.

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