Womenz Magazine

5 Things to Do to Get in Shape Before Your Wedding

©: magforwomen

The wedding is the biggest day in a woman’s life. Every woman wants to look absolutely stunning on her wedding day. So do you! Finally, after scanning, researching, and searching, you have selected your perfect wedding dress.

Read Also: 10 Great Ways to Celebrate a Wedding Anniversary

But you realize that in order to look gorgeous in that gown, you need to work out. Don’t freak out, begin today and see the results on your wedding day! So here are some wedding workouts which should be performed for the big day.

  1. Get on your feet

The first important thing is to ditch that sedentary lifestyle and get going. Even if your job is sedentary, take a break from your chair after every half an hour, take around and get back to your work. Keep moving to get into shape.

  1. Include a cardio routine

Brisk walking is recommended for beginners and jogging for the ones who already walk. After a while, you can add stair climbing, aerobics, and the likes.

  1. Do abdominal exercises and crunches

For that flat sexy stomach, including abdominal exercises in your exercise routine. The simplest ones include taking a deep breath, then taking your stomach in as much as possible, and holding that position for as long as possible. Relax. Repeat. Do it 15-20 times.

  1. Work with weights

Weight training might intimidate many women who fear they’ll look like men after performing exercises with weights. But an expert fitness consultant/gym trainer can guide you with the right kind of weight training that will effectively tone your body, especially those flabby arms and legs.

So set up an appointment today and get a customized exercise plan prepared for you.

  1. Start living a healthy lifestyle

A wedding workout plan is incomplete without considering a healthy lifestyle that comprises consuming a nutritious diet and taking proper sleep. Ditch your high-calorie junk foods and processed foods. Instead, opt for good old vegetables and fruits.

Exercises coupled with a healthy and active lifestyle will ensure that you get ready to look great on your wedding day!

Read the original article on magforwomen

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