Womenz Magazine

PHOTO: Snake eel bursts midair through stomach of heron that swallowed it

It’s hard to unsee this one.

A shocking photo captured by an amateur photographer in Delaware shows the exact moment that a snake eel bursts midair through the stomach of a heron that swallowed it whole.

The pic, which looks like something out of a sci-fi film, depicts the snake eel dangling while the heron continues to fly.

The photo was one in a set taken along the Delaware shore by Sam Davis, an engineer from Maryland, reports Live Science. While the moment was captured in 2011, Davis only uploaded the shots to a wildlife site a few months ago.

Davis told the outlet that the curiosity of nearby predators was piqued by the gruesome sight, with young eagles and foxes stalking the heron in case either of the animals in the photo didn’t make it.

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