Womenz Magazine

Senior Citizen Foils Thief’s Attempt To Steal Her Dog In Broad Daylight

A woman from Windcrest, Texas, is thanking her lucky stars that an attempted dognapping was foiled thanks to her quick thinking. However, police officers are asking for help from the general public since the dognapper remains at large as of this writing. The victim, a 68-year-old woman, was outside tending to her plants when the thief approached.

Her dog, Buddy, was by her side and tied up to a tree with plenty of slack. A home surveillance camera recorded the harrowing scene as it played out in realtime. A man gets out of an SUV vehicle, runs over to the 10-year-old dog, and tries to lure him away. In the video, the woman fights back and screams at the man to leave.

“She hears somebody approaching and speaking to the dog saying, ‘Come here girl! Come here girl!’ So, she turns around and sees this man trying to steal her dog,” said Rainbeau Presti, the woman’s neighbor and close friend.

Buddy’s mom is seen struggling to maintain control of her dog as she clings onto his back legs. Even more alarming is that the crime took place in broad daylight in the woman’s front yard. After a struggle, the man changed his mind and quickly ran away. Fortunately, the victim was able to identify the thief’s license plate and provide it to the police.

“We are a tight-knit quiet, safe community and if you come here to commit crimes, our police will take care of us,” Presti shared. “That is not something you do anywhere in any community. It is wrong. People’s pets are like family members, so you don’t just walk up and try to snatch their family from them. That is just wrong.”

Watch the incident in the video below.


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