Womenz Magazine

Coward Tortures Dog, Dumps His Barely Alive Body In Parking Lot, & Drives Off

The Kentucky Humane Society (KHS) deals with a lot of unwanted animals on a daily basis, but they ask that anyone surrendering a pet do so inside the facility during normal business hours. Sadly, someone dropped off a severely emaciated dog at their donation location and drove off into the night. When workers found the sickly dog on the property, they immediately rushed him inside to try and save his life.

In a blog post on their website, KHS wrote, “While we don’t know how Ethan got to this point, based on his condition, we surmise he may have been locked in a crate without food for weeks.”

They are also astounded that the dog, whom they named Ethan, is still alive after everything he’s been through. He should weigh 80 pounds but he barely clocked in at a mere 38 pounds when he was weighed.

Despite his skin-and-bones structure, his rescuers would do everything in their power to try and save the dog. What started with warm blankets and intravenous fluids evolved into trying to get the dog to learn to walk again.

Recently, KHS shared a video of sweet Ethan taking a few steps. They wrote, “While he is wobbly and learning to use his legs again, this is huge progress and deserves to be celebrated. Less than a week ago, he was on death’s door, and now he is finally able to walk a little again.”

I Love My Dog reminds our readers to get in touch with local animal control or a local rescue if you can no longer care for your pets. It is never a viable option to abandon or dump an innocent animal, as the outcome will likely be harm, abuse, death, or all three. Watch the precious dog who suffered so much get back on his feet thanks to the kind people who are nurturing him back to health.


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