Womenz Magazine

Depressed Dog Sat For 2 Months In Christmas Sweater & Was Still Overlooked

For one dog, named Bobby, life had been far from kind. His family whom he loved had dumped him at the shelter only a few weeks before Christmas. The shelter staff was shocked by how sweet and loving Bobby was. Why would his family give him up?

The shelter is a loud, stressful place for any dog but for dogs like Bobby, it was really taking its toll. The volunteers shared Bobby’s info online and pushed to get him adopted as hard as they could but nothing worked. Bobby was broken down. He felt worthless and was dubbed the saddest dog in the shelter by social media.

Bobby was extremely well-behaved and sweet-natured. There was no reason he shouldn’t find a home but he was passed over time and time again. Then one of the shelter volunteers had an idea. Since it was the holidays, why not put him in a festive sweater, share it online, and see if that draws anyone in…

It was a simple approach. All they did was put Bobby in a green sweater. It didn’t cost much. In fact, they got in through a donation. But the post with Bobby in the sweater was priceless. It was shared by thousands who couldn’t help but root for the poor pup.

But you know how social media can be. Just because something is shared and commented on, doesn’t mean it will result in success. The shelter volunteers kept their fingers crossed, hoping the post reached that perfect future family.

AND. IT. DID! Bobby found his forever home with his new mom. Stories like this one make us believe that anything is possible with a little love and some serious determination. Here’s to a happy life, Bobby!

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