Womenz Magazine

Pelosi overturning Iowa House election would be ‘horribly unfair’ to voters: Joni Ernst

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi leaving the door open to overturning the certified House election results in Iowa is hypocritical and unfair, Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, asserted on “Fox & Friends Weekend.”

Just six votes separated Republican Mariannette Miller-Meeks from Democrat Rita Hart. Miller-Meeks’ win was certified after a recount process. Ernst pointed out that Hart appealed directly to the House Committee on Administration instead of further challenging the result in Iowa courts.

“Rep. Miller-Meeks has been seated in Congress. She won this election,” Ernst said. “It was certified by Iowans … and now Nancy Pelosi, perhaps, will overturn it. And that is horribly unfair to the voters in the second district in Iowa, and we are pushing back.”

Pelosi in a press conference Thursday told reporters there could “of course” be a scenario where the results are re-examined and overturned.

“Because we know she would love to overturn this election,” Ernst said.

Miller-Meeks has asked the House Administration Committee to dismiss Hart’s petition, saying Hart “failed to exhaust state judicial procedures before filing her notice of contest with the House.”

“States should rule their election, voters in that state should decide who represents them,” Miller-Meeks told “Special Report” Friday. “This is a process where they want to go against the laws of our state, the election laws of our state, against the voters of our state, and to determine who they want to seat in Congress.”

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