Womenz Magazine

Five Careers that are Perfect for Shy People

Feel like your quiet personality makes you the office outsider? Here are Five careers where a reserved nature is an asset, not a limitation.

Does the phrase “small talk” make you cringe? If you’re a quiet person, navigating the social niceties of the professional world could be a real drag. You may even feel like your personality is holding you back from getting a leg up in your current career. But don’t count yourself out just yet. A quiet demeanor could conceal great powers of observation or analysis.

“People who are quiet might focus on data and things, rather than people, so there are some occupations [in which] they might be able to do a better job,” says Laurence Shatkin, a career expert and author of several books, including “50 Best Jobs for Your Personality.” Ready to let your quiet attributes do the talking? Consider pursuing these careers where your natural inclinations could be your greatest assets.

Career #1: Accountant

Women as Accountant

When data talks, are you usually listening? An ability to sit quietly while poring over numbers could serve you well as an accountant.

“Shhhh!” Factor: If you prefer to keep quiet and focus on the details, this number-driven occupation could play to your strengths, Shatkin says. Reviewing financial statements, computing taxes, and reviewing accounting systems are some of the duties required of accountants, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.

Accountants carry out their duties in either an office or at home, according to the Department of Labor. Sounds like you’ll have plenty of quality time to spend with your number-friends. Just keep in mind that this job may require meeting face-to-face with clients on occasion, in order to provide recommendations or explain your findings, the Department notes.

Education Options:*

  • Bachelor’s degree in accounting or a related field
  • Master’s degree in accounting, or business administration with a concentration in accounting

Career #2: Graphic Designer

Women as Graphic Designer

Would you rather express yourself through images than words? Your skills as a visual communicator could take center stage in a graphic design career.

“Shhhh!” Factor: Quiet people are often considered better listeners, Shatkin says, which means they may have an advantage in this creative field.

Why do graphic designers need active listening skills? In order to “really focus on what the client is trying to convey with the graphic,”  Shatkin says. But taking direction from clients isn’t the only time you’ll find yourself keeping mum. As a graphic designer, you might spend much of your time figuring out the best way to use colors, images, text, and layouts to communicate ideas, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Sounding a little lonely? Don’t worry, graphic designers aren’t completely solitary. Being able to work in teams is also an important quality, as graphic designers often collaborate directly with a client or in conjunction with marketers, programmers, or other graphic designers, the Department of Labor notes.

Education Options:*

  • Bachelor’s degree in graphic design or a related field
  • Bachelor’s degree in another field and technical preparation in graphic design

Career #3: Software Developer

Women as Software Engineer

If you come up with your best ideas during quiet contemplation, a career as a software developer could deliver rewarding work.

“Shhhh!” Factor: “Software developers are the creative minds behind computer programs,” according to the U.S. Department of Labor. While they may work in teams, most of the day-to-day work is solo, Shatkin says. Daily tasks might include designing computer applications such as word processors or games, or creating the operating systems used in consumer electronics, the Department of Labor reports. till, software developers don’t work in a vacuum. They will need to address feedback from customers about programs they develop, says the Department.

The good news: if a customer finds a problem with a program, it’s likely back to the quiet drawing board for the software developer, where he
or she will work independently to fix it.

Education Options*:

  • Bachelor’s degree in computer science, software engineering, or a related field such as mathematics

Career #4: Database Administrator

Women as Database Administrator

Do you like to quietly and thoroughly think over the task at hand before taking action? If so, you may want to think over a career as a
database administrator.

“Shhhh!” Factor: Talk about the need for quiet concentration: According to the U.S. Department of Labor, in this career “a minor error can
cause major problems.” That’s because database administrators are responsible for organizing large amounts of data for important processes, like credit card transactions, the Department of Labor reports. Of course, where there are important databases, there are also users of those databases, which is why this career can also require “a fair amount of collaborative work,” Shatkin notes.

Education Options:

  • Bachelor’s degree in management information systems (MIS) or a computer-related field
  • Master’s degree in business administration, with a concentration in information systems

Career #5: Writer

Women as Writer

Do you feel most comfortable when you’re up to your eyeballs in research and facts – with not a person in sight? Then you might have a calling as a writer.

“Shhhh!” Factor: Quiet people often have a great ability to concentrate on slogging through information, Shatkin says. This kind of endurance can be a prized skill for writers, who, according to the U.S. Department of Labor, need to demonstrate strong research and proper citation methods to establish credibility in their work.

Writers produce work for many different mediums. In addition to writing for books and magazines, writers might create content for an advertisement, website, or TV or film script, according to the Department of Labor. Yes, writing is often a solitary endeavor, but a supporting cast is needed to see manuscripts through to publication. As a writer, you would likely communicate regularly with an editor or client, the Department notes.

Education options:

  • Bachelor’s degree, preferably in English, journalism, or communications.

Via: Yahoo

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