Womenz Magazine

Body found in woods as authorities search for missing teenager Lucy Candlish

A body has been found during a search for a missing teenager who disappeared over the weekend.

Lucy Candlish had not been seen since 5:30pm on Sunday – and now cops believe the body is of the 19-year-old carer.

Officers who had been searching the wooded area in Corsett made the tragic discovery on Wednesday lunchtime.

The County Durham teenager had not been seen since leaving her family home in Blackhill over the weekend.

Lucy’s brother Ross also shared the tragic update on Facebook, writing, “I’d just like to update everyone on the search for my sister. I’d like to thank everyone for the overwhelming support we have received in the search for my sister.

“Unfortunately a body has been found and it is believed to be Lucy Candlish.

“Me and my sister had our ups and downs and sometimes fought like cat and dog but from the bottom of my heart I loved her to pieces.

“May she rest in piece and enjoy the heaven she has entered, I’ll see you there one day, so will your mam, dad, smokey and everyone else in your family.”

A spokesperson for Durham Constabulary said: “We are saddened to report that a body has been found in the search for Lucy Candlish, reports Chronicle Live.

“The body of a woman was discovered in a wooded area in Consett this lunchtime.

“Formal identification has yet to take place but we believe it to be that of the 19-year-old.

“Lucy’s family have been informed.

“At this point her death is not being treated as suspicious and a file will be prepared for the coroner.”

Her family previously said she was last seen leaving her house after arguing with a friend on the phone.

Speaking on behalf of the family, her sister Beverley Candlish said: “She had been arguing with a friend and she said she was going out to cool off.

“This is not normal for her. She’s got no bank card, no money, she hasn’t got a proper coat on and she had a pyjama top underneath it.

“She’s left everything behind and she hasn’t came back.”

Beverley said Lucy had been her normal self in the days before her disappearance, but after she failed to return home her family contacted her to establish her whereabouts.

Beverley explained: “It was starting to get dark and cold. Her mam texted her to see where she was and it got delivered but she didn’t reply. An hour later her phone was turned off.”

Lucy, who works as a carer, failed to attend work or return home on Monday morning and the police were contacted.

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