Womenz Magazine

The Best Way to Store Your Table Linens (and Never Deal with Wrinkles

The Best Way to Store Your Table Linens

Setting the table, prepping the food, chilling the wine: You have more than enough to do before a big get-together, and standing over a hot iron should not be one of them

 Here’s a solution for storing your tablecloths so you can whip them out wrinkle-free at a moment’s notice. What you need: Your freshly laundered linens and a large cardboard wrapping paper tube. Organizing and properly storing your Table Linens will help to not only.

What you do: Wrap the tablecloth around the cardboard tube, smoothing out potential creases as you go.  Why it works: Just like when you pack your suitcase, folding causes crease lines, but rolling prevents wrinkles and keeps the fabric looking freshly pressed. Day of, you’ll be ready to bust out that tablecloth in a jiffy. We’re no Susie Homemaker, but we’re pretty sure you’ve now got this whole “hostess” thing down to a science.

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