Womenz Magazine

3 Ways to Get an Hourglass Figure

What woman hasn’t ever dreamed of having that curvaceous, beautiful hourglass figure a la Scarlett Johansson and Marilyn Monroe? A lot of young ladies are flocking towards procedures to get that correct waist-to-hip ratio or starving themselves to achieve that much sought-after hourglass figure.

However, you do not need expensive surgical procedures or pills to achieve the look that you’re vying for.

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Most body shapes are determined by genetics; however, that doesn’t mean that one can’t achieve the hourglass figure. With a few exercises, watching your diet, and a few cheat codes, getting the figure of your dreams is easier than you imagined. Listed here are some ways to get an hourglass figure.

  1. Practice yoga

Practice at least half an hour of yoga every day. It will not only help in keeping your stress levels down, but it will also keep your indiscriminate eating habits in check.

Practice a yogic asana that focuses on the waist and hips. Also, achieving the hourglass figure will require you to lose weight in certain places and gain weight in some. This may lead to your skin becoming dull in case of weight loss and stretch marks if your weight gain or loss is too drastic. Yoga will help prevent these.

  1. Eat clean

Do not starve yourself to death or practice unhealthy dieting habits. All you need to do is to watch what you eat. Include more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet. Avoid frozen or canned foods and substitute it with fresh produce.

You are still allowed that occasional fill of your favorite candy or chips, but do not binge on it.

  1. Dress right

Many of us just do not have that bone structure to have that enviable hourglass figure. In that case, dressing right can create the illusion of an hourglass figure. Highlight the waist by wearing tops with padded shoulders and dresses that nip at the waist and then flare out.

Opt for high waist jeans in dark colors that start above the belly button to keep any excess fat tucked in. Wear underwire or padded bras to give your bust a fuller appearance. Also, make sure that it is of the right size. Wearing high heels makes your legs appear longer and well-toned. – magforwomen

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