Womenz Magazine

80% of COVID Transmissions Happen Here, Doctor Says


Last month, while covering the coronavirus, CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta declared on New Day that the country is at a “breaking point” and that things are about to go from bad to worse. In hopes of slowing the spread he also revealed five places where coronavirus transmission is more likely to occur than others. “It’s really these five primary locations where 80 percent of viral transmissions are happening in our society,” Dr. Gupta revealed.

1. Restaurants

There is an ample amount of research supporting that indoor dining increases risk of COVID transmission. One September study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that Americans who tested positive for COVID-19 were twice as likely to report having dined at a restaurant within the last 14 days.

2. Bars

Top health experts – including Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Robert Redfield – have both confirmed that bars and nightclubs are two of the most dangerous types of places to visit during the pandemic. Why? They aren’t exactly conducive to mask wearing or social distancing. “Close the bars, open the schools,” Fauci revealed during an interview last month. “And that’s it and that really succinctly says it.”

3. Cafes

Even your local cafe or coffee shop isn’t a great place to hang out during the pandemic. Sipping on a drink or chewing on a bagel is tough to do with a mask on. Add that to the fact most people hang out in cafes for an extended period of time — which health experts maintain is a no-no. 

4. Hotels

According to Dr. Gupta, staying in a hotel during the pandemic isn’t a great idea. Why? Hotels are usually filled with guests from many different places, so even making contact with one of them could be seriously compromising your health. 

5. Houses of Worship

A number of major outbreaks have been tied to places of worship, such as churches and synagogues. For this reason, the CDC has devoted an entire page to offering guidance for Communities of Faith, urging such measures as mask wearing, social distancing, avoiding communal items, and holding services outdoors. 

6. How to Survive the Pandemic—and Save a Life

Observe Dr. Anthony Fauci’s fundamentals: Wear a face mask, social distance, avoid large crowds, don’t go indoors with people you’re not sheltering with, practice good hand hygiene and, to protect your life and the lives of others,

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