Womenz Magazine

Eat the Right Fats for a Heart Healthy Diet

Eat the right Fats for a Heart Healthy Diet

Healthy Heart DietIf you are concerned about your weight or heart health, rather than minimizing fat in your diet, replace saturated fats and trans fats with good healthier fats that our body wants. Replace some of the meat you eat with beans and grains, or using olive oil rather than butter and cooking oil.

  • Check food labels for trans fats before you buy. Avoiding commercially-baked goods goes a long way. Also limit fast food especially for heart health patients.
  • Cut back on red meat and full-fat dairy foods-  switching your diet from whole milk and other full-fat dairy foods to low fat diet.
  • Eat omega-3 fats and vitamins

Good supply for heart health includes fish, walnuts, ground flax seeds, canola oil, soybean oil and many more.
How much fat is allowed for a heart health patient?

Excess fat depends on your lifestyle, your weight, your age and most importantly the state of your heart health patients. Research by USDA recommends that the average individual must:

  • Keep total fat intake maximum up to to 20-35% of calories
  • Limit saturated fats to less than 10% of your calories
  • Limit trans fats to 1% of calories- A trans fat is a normal fat molecule that has been twisted and deformed during a process called hydrogenation Nutrients( quoted)

Steps For a Heart Healthy Diet:

1. Try to minimize the saturated and trans fats you eat everyday that contribute to block your arteries (especially for a heart patient).

2. Choose from sources of low-fat proteins-Lean meats, fish, or low-fat dairy products and egg whites are best supply of low-fat protein. Beans, peas and lentils also contain less fats and no cholesterol which makes them great alternatives to meat. These are essential for a healthy heart.

3. More fruits and vegetables- a balanced diet includes lots of veggies and fresh fruits on daily basis.

4. Select whole grains and natural intake – Whole grains diet contains fiber, vitamins, minerals and iron. The nutrients found in whole grains also help regulate blood pressure and maintain your heart’s health.

5. Reduce Salt Intake – This is one major reason that effects badly on a heart patients health.

6. Eat In Moderation- in other words  balanced diet-Yes, diet means eating in moderation. Don’t believe in overloading your stomach and eating till you feel stop stuffing more. Use best ways to keep track of your food intake, you’ll be shocked not surprised in reality. This is very harmful for people having heart problems.

7. Create Daily Diet and Plan- Put your plans in action by creating daily diet charts. Maintaining a variety also helps, make mealtime and snacks interesting and it also helps to psychologically fill up your tummy.

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