Womenz Magazine

A Perfect Food Pyramid for Women

A healthy family depends upon a healthy woman. Woman as a mother, wife, daughter and sister plays a critical and crucial role in maintaining family’s health and well being. And for all this, she must be healthy and fit. It is very imperative for a woman to be healthy and fit. And for this, a woman must follow and stick to a proper and perfect diet plan and a food pyramid. By following a perfect food pyramid and balance diet, a woman can get the right amount of calories, vitamins, nutrients and minerals and also live a healthy and active life style and after all get full nutrition.

A Perfect Food Pyramid For women:

A perfect food pyramid for women helps them to control their weight, intakes of essential nutrition, dietary fats, minerals and vitamins . So, by sticking on a perfect and daily food pyramid and a balance diet, women become more healthy, fit and nutritionally well.

The new food pyramid for women is base on six beautiful and bright colors:

  • The orange for grains
  • Green for vegetables
  • Red for fruits
  • Yellow for essential fats and oils
  • Blue for milk
  • Purple for meat and beans

Each stripe starts out with the same size but ends differently. Each stripe of the food pyramid suggests how much food or nutrition a woman should choose from each group. The new food pyramid also has a band of stairs, running up the side of the pyramid, which shows the importance of physical activity but remember the number of servings from each  stripe differ from individual to individual, according to weight, gender, physical activity level and age.

  • The orange stripe is for grains. As compare to a male, women need more carbohydrates to boost up their energy. The best source of carbohydrates and nutrition are whole grains such as oatmeal, whole wheat bread and brown rice. To be healthy and to get adequate nutrition, a woman must use these sources of carbohydrates.
  • The green and red stripes are for vegetables and fruits. A woman diet must have fruits and vegetables in it. Vegetables and fruits not only decrease the chance of heart attack or stroke but also protect you against cancer, lower blood pressure, cataract and macular degeneration.
  • Yellow is for essential oils and healthy fats, which are after all very important for a woman to be healthy and to get full nutrition. You can get healthy unsaturated fats from olive, canola, soya, and corn peanut. Sun flower and other vegetable oils. Nuts, seeds, avocado and fatty fish also provide you healthy fats, which not only improve cholesterol level but can also protect your heart from sudden and deadly problems.
  • Blue stripe is for milk. Milk is very essential for women of all age. Milk and dairy products are the main source of calcium, which is very vital for building bones and keeping them strong. To get calcium and full nutrition, a woman must take three glasses of whole milk daily.
  • Purple stripe is for meat. You should take processed meats as guided or instruction by the new food pyramid. Processed meats such as bacon, hot dogs, beef meat and white meat are very high in added sodium. White meat can improve cholesterol level and has tremendous benefits for heart and over all body.

That’s all from the new food pyramid. Now stick to it and have a healthy and fit life style.

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