Womenz Magazine

Home Remedies for Skin Conditions

Home Remedies

Home RemediesWith evolving beauty products are evolving skin related problems. In this article we discuss the basic home remedies for skin conditions like acne, tanning solutions, scars and pimples by using products that are easily available at home and are not too expensive. [contentblock id=1 img=adsense.png]Cinnamon and Honey

1. Cinnamon and Honey: Besides the multi factorial cinnamon properties it contains an essential oil that has strong microbicidal actions.  The combination of cinnamon with honey acts like a magic to prevent the spurt of pimples on skin. The right way to do this is by mixing a teaspoon of cinnamon powder with one table spoon honey. Make it into a thick paste and dab this on each pimple, allow this paste to remain overnight and wash it off with lukewarm water the next day. This helps the pimples to go away. Also if you apply this mixture for five minutes on your face and cleanse your skin with water it gives an instant glow.Lemon Juice

2. Lemon Juice: Lemon has bleaching properties and is one essential ingredient of every skin product that promises a glow. It is rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C which makes it an excellent agent against pimples. The quickest way to get rid of a pimple is to squeeze out lemon juice and dab directly on pimple. Let it remain on skin overnight and then wash it off with lukewarm water.  The one thing that you need to keep in mind is that never go bare skin in sunlight after application of lemon juice as it can lead to skin problems. Always it is ideal to apply lemon based products at night.[contentblock id=2 img=adsense.png]Sandal Wood

3. Sandal Wood Water: this helps in prevention against pimple scars that make face look ugly. Simply soak sandal wood in water for a few hours and then remove the wood, dry and restore for reuse. Use a cotton ball and smear sandal wood water to places that have scars .repeat this for a week and feel the difference.Milk

4. Milk: To get rid of Tan or dark skin use cotton balls soaked in milk and apply it to the darkened skin. Allow to dry and leave it overnight. Next morning was with warm water.[contentblock id=3 img=adsense.png]Almond

5. Almond Oil: to get rid of burn marks, massage the skin with almond oil daily and this will progressively reduce the scar.Potato Peels

6. Potato Peels: These help against dark circles and burn marks both. Apply them to the desired area for twenty minutes. The result will come slowly. These are few useful skin remedies that don’t demand products high on the pocket.

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