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Home Remedies to Cure Skin Tags

Skin Tags Remedies

One morning you wake up and look into the mirror and find a little speck of loose skin hanging from your eyelid or on your face. Skin tags are actually one of the signs of aging and the chances of getting one of these winding up on the skin grows as you get older.

Skin TagsSkin tags are simply extra skin cells in attempt of producing more skin than it needs. The most common places to get a skin tag is the face, under the armpits although they can really appear anywhere.

The first thing that crosses your mind will be to go see a doctor but the idea is that  you find home remedies first because the matter isn’t serious enough to go to a doctor. The quickest way is to get the skin removed by having it cut off, but for that it is better to go to a doctor because you might not have sterilized scissors and some peroxide to sanitize the area before you start. You might not have the experience to do it, because it needs to be done quickly. If you do it on your own then you need to take special care for infections around the area of the skin tag. The most important thing is that cutting off does not mean that it won’t grow back.

  • Tie A String

Some of the simple are easy to follow home remedies for removing the skin tag will be to tie a string around the skin tag. This option basically cuts the blood supply of the skin tag off from the rest of the body. The idea is that once the blood flow is stopped to those cells the skin tag stops growing and without the blood supply and oxygen the skin tag will turn black and die.


Another way is to duct tape the area. The unconventional way to remove a skin tag is to cover the area tightly. This home remedy also works much in the same way that the string method works. You are cutting off oxygen and blood to the skin of the tag.

  • Herbs like tea tree oil

People who are squeamish and are sensitive can go for some herbal home remedies because they are suppose to work on these skin tags. The downside is that they do take a bit time to work. Sometimes it can be weeks because herbs work as medicines and there is a process of treatment and you will have to wait for results. Some of the professional herbal products are also available in stores.

One of the ingredient in the professional products one is the tea tree oil, it is available everywhere and tea tea oil is a great remedy. Tea tree oil is great for a lot of different skin ailments and works well for skin tags. This natural herb is used after washing the skin around the tag. After washing take a cotton ball to apply the tea tree oil and directly apply it on the skin tag by rubbing it gently. Make sure if you apply a band-aid you clean the area twice a day and then apply the tea tree oil till the skin tag dies. The process is long, usually two weeks or more.

  • Apply Castor Oil

Another home remedy is to apply castor oil on the skin tags. All you have to do is to take 1 part of castor oil with 2 parts of soda and mix it to make a paste. This mixture will be extremely smelly but add some lemon to it. Make sure before application wash the area around the tag and then apply it to the tag directly and cover it a band-aid. It is important that the entire process of cleaning and application should be repeated twice a day.

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