Womenz Magazine

How To Fight With The Sweet Tooth

How to Fight Tooth

It is said that “a little won’t hurt”, but in case of sugar, it surely does. Don’t go by its small size. These tiny looking sugar cubes can deteriorate your body completely. Having the “sweet tooth” means the fondness for sweets which is so unhealthy for the body and gives birth to various diseases like diabetes type II, obesity, heart problems, etc.[contentblock id=1 img=adsense.png]

1. Drink Lots of WaterDrink Lots

Sugar craving is somehow linked to dehydration. Always have a glass of water before reaching to the candy or a chocolate; you will see how effectively this trick works. It will not only reduce your sugar craving but will also keep your body hydrated and healthy.

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2. Get Adequate Sleep

Body needs sleep. Whenever you are sleepy or tired, you are likely to eat more sugary foodstuffs. Sleep deprivation leads to unbalanced hormones, due to which you require quick energy by having sweets. Refreshing sleep affects your overall health. Therefore, take proper naps.[contentblock id=2 img=adsense.png]

3. Have a Balanced DietBalanced Diet

To get off sugar, make a diet plan. Eating protein and nutrient rich foods with healthy carbohydrates will keep your sugar level stable. Body definitely needs fats in order to function properly, but eat healthy fats instead of having refined sugar.

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4. Don’t Skip MealsDon’t Skip Meals

Avoid skipping meals; otherwise you would end up eating more sugar at one go. This is because whenever you skip a meal, you generate a starving condition in your body which results in higher sugar intake to stabilize the blood sugar level. Hence, prevent yourself from getting too hungry between the mealtimes.

5. Add Fermented Foods to the DietFermented Food

Fermented foods decrease the sugar cravings. Carrots, fermented berries and sour cream will help you tame your sweet tooth. Sour food naturally reduces the craving for sugar. Try taking multivitamins too in order to avert any deficiencies.[contentblock id=3 img=adsense.png]

6. Exercise RegularlyExercise Regularly

Exercise is a key to fitness. It is proven by the athletes that exercise declines the sugar cravings. Thus, in order to curb your fondness for sweets, workout daily. It will keep your body in a proper shape and reduce stress too.

7. Find AlternativesHealthy Foods

Eat healthy foods like sweet fruits and vegetables as substitutes for sugary foods. Apples, bananas, oranges, carrots, potatoes work great. They will prevent you from many diseases like heart problems, obesity and diabetes, etc. and help you in maintaining your blood sugar at a stable level and you won’t be craving for sugar anymore.

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8. Manage Stress and EmotionsStress and Emotions

If you think you can reduce your stress by eating sweets, you really need to get your facts straight. Stress is not caused by the external factors; it’s how you perceive things. Try to connect more with yourself instead of using sugar as a way to reduce anxiety and tensions.

9. Ignore CravingsIce Cream Or Chocolate Brownie

Oftentimes, sugar craving is not physical, it’s just psychological. So when you feel like craving for some mouth-watering ice cream or a chocolate brownie, divert your mind with something more interesting or just go and take a long walk.

10. Add Spices to the LifeAdd Spices

Cinnamon, coriander and clove will sweeten your food naturally and decrease your sugar craving. Whenever you feel like eating something sugary, just pop a mint in your mouth. It will help you in controlling your craving for the sweets.

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