Womenz Magazine

Be a good wife

Marriage is a sacred bond and to maintain its santity and respect, husband and wife need to respect and understand each other. If you are a wife, follow these seven qualities of being a good wife and make your marriage work.

  • Do not argue: It is necessary for a good wife to be nag free, if you want your husband to listen to you then give him some space as nagging is an ineffective method of trying to make your husband listen but causes opposite reaction.
  • Be supportive: Never ever discourage your husband, be a supportive and a good wife.  This quality suggests that never belittle your husband and make him feel good about his job.
  • He would be much more supportive towards you. Your encouragement as a wife will bring him more closely, to you and he would tell you about his problems.
  • Be appreciative: According to this quality, ladies there, is no other way to build resentment in your husband by criticizing him among others. It doesn’t work; always complement him in front of other people. As a good wife, genuinely appreciate his good points and your husband will glow with admiration and respect for you.
  • Share strong relationship: It is necessary that as a wife, keep him happy in your personal relationship, otherwise it would lead to frustration, if it is not fulfilled properly. Wife must understand the needs of the man from his perspective not hers.
  • Learn to give respect: According to this quality, a good wife must respect her husband. Her way of talking reflect this old phrase, “it’s not so much what you say but how you say it” should become a wife’s motto. Just be calm and relaxed about approaching a subject.
  • Avoid communication blockage: This quality points out that a good wife need to express her desires and wishes in a frank, open and cooperative manner. Often, husbands and wives make a joint decision – while the husband thinks she’s in agreement with him – but only to discover later that his wife thought the decision was a bad idea.
  • Be pleasant and give space: As a wife, work to be pleasant toward your husband and good things will come from being pleasant. Just because you had a bad day doesn’t mean that you have to make your husband’s life miserable.

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