Womenz Magazine

5 Ways to Use Your Wedding Dress After Divorce

You were so excited the day you picked out your dress. I remember how I felt just trying my wedding dress on: like a fairy-tale princess, complete with the fluffy Cinderella-style poofy gown. It was perfect for my petite frame, and showed off the “girls” rather well with the strapless neckline. My father, a man who worked in the fashion industry for years, thoroughly approved, and when I look at photos of that day now, I still think to myself, “That was a solid wedding dress choice.”

Read More: 5 Wedding Do’s and Don’ts

Of course, now, I am two years separated and almost officially divorced from my ex. Don’t cry for me — be happy for me. I chose the chance of being alone for good, rather than being with someone who didn’t love me for me. The only sadness in it all really is that the chance I took failed, and that my daughter has to go through living between two homes. Even still, the silver lining is she has two parents who love her to no end, and we are both in her life. I made sure to save my wedding photos for her — I am sure she will one day want to view them, but the wedding dress? Well, that’s another story. It has yet to find another use, but here are some “creative” ways to make use out of your old wedding dress after divorce.

1. Burn It

Hey, why go softly into that good night? Burn that dress, and have everyone gather with you for a beach or woods bonfire. Not sure if it’s legal, but hell, do you really want to remember that special night with your “not-so special” ex? Meh.

2. Regift It

Military brides who often are strapped for cash could use your old wedding dress! And don’t worry about it passing on “divorce bad luck.” Chances are this bride-in-need won’t care about the fact that your ex went on a spending spree and ran off across the country. Donate your dress to Brides Across America and know that another woman who is joyfully waiting to say “I do” to someone can do it more cheaply thanks to your gorgeous wedding gown donation!

3. A Divorcee Photo Shoot

Go buck wild and schedule a photo shoot — boudoir, divorcee, and wedding dress style! Pose in your dress and then pose in your most sexy lingerie or a hot new dress to show the world what your ex is missing: a hot woman! Embrace your new self and photograph this moment in time, with you both in and out of your wedding dress. Do a side-by-side comparison of you as the blushing bride and now you, as the strong lioness you are after the wounds of divorce are cleaned and healed over. Even if your divorce is a sad stressor for you right now, one day you won’t feel so blue.

4. In Memorial

Angel Gowns by Michelle is a great place to pass on your old wedding gown. She takes wedding gowns that are donated from the public, and she and seamstresses around the country (this is what I gathered from her Facebook page) turn wedding gowns into “angel gowns” for stillborn babies. Knowing that your old dress may bring you many bad memories, you should feel good knowing that they are bringing a slight sense of comfort to someone grieving an even more devastating loss — the loss of a child.

5. Mail It to His New Girlfriend

If you’re feeling particularly cheeky, you could always mail the dress to his new girlfriend, although I’m not sure she’ll love her new gift! Plus, you have to decide if it’s worth the shipping cost. Wink.

Source: Popsugar

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