Womenz Magazine

Even Trump Knows the Limited Intelligence of His Followers As His Latest Press Release Shows

We know that Donald Trump loves the poorly educated, because he told us so. And we know that the GOP is currently fundraising off of everybody that they can find on the left hand side of the bell shaped curve of intelligence.

If you’re stupid and you manage to have an extra dollar, give it to the Republicans, they’ll know what to do with it and they need your money more than you do.

Here is Trump’s latest salvo in the Big Lie con.

Do you love it, that he explains his metaphor? Dear God. Seriously, this is so nuts that I thought this might be parody, but I went over to his blog From The Desk Of Donald J. Trump and yes, it was there. He sits up in the bridal suite at Mar-a-Lago and broods and pouts and this is what comes out of it at the end of the day.

And I also love that he’s calling for all the Republicans to UNIFY the day before his lap dog, Kevin McCarthy, politically offs Liz Cheney, in the futile hope that somehow she won’t be able to work on a 9/11-style commission into the January 6 riot. This is the week of official dis-unity as the schism in the GOP widens to Grand Canyon-esque proportions.

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