Womenz Magazine

Trump. Is. Toast.

Trump's pollster

You all know that, as in a nightmare sequence, I spent 5 1/2 years running around in the Freddie Krueger basement boiler room of Donald Trump’s mind. But no more, I am now finally a free man, the hold is broken!

For the last 36 hours, we have been fixated in the media by the lightening raid on former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s apartment by FBI officers armed with a search warrant. They seized electronics and left as politely as they came. To his credit, Giuliani managed to stay silent for more than 24 hours before humiliating himself.

But also, 24 hours was all that The Ghoul Man’s former boss could manage to keep his silence. El Pendejo President went on FUX News tonight to roundly defend his former personal lawyer. And it was a nightmare.

Trump opined how Giuliani was the greatest Mayor in New York history, his legendary tenure as the US Attorney got the SDNY, and his service to the United States as a true patriot. It was nothing more than a rehash of the same lame shit that Trump has been saying for more than 5 years.

And oh! dear sweet Jesus!, it came off as just so fucking lame! He defended Giuliani without ever actually addressing a single one of the charges that Giuliani was accused of.

And it was pathetic. Because it was nothing more or less than lame word salad to try to divert from the actual issue. But the problem is, if you’re not a brain dead Trombie, it doesn’t work. Because all of the rest of us have had 100 days of sitting around and listening to President Joe Biden telling us actual information that we could all understand.

The era of Trump is on the wane. Because, if you look at it simply and honestly, most people actually like getting actual information. And when you have that, Trump’s  bullshit just seems so lame to most voters. The Emperor Has No Clothes.

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