Womenz Magazine

Trump Back To Lying On Fox News About Election Fraud After WaPo Corrects Record

Being in a Twitterless hell of an exile in Florida is no fun and Donald Trump has apparently found it confining. What else would explain his non stop gush of verbiage when he finally — finally — found his way home to terra foxnita. Ah, the relief of being back in his element, spewing bullshit, and having a Fox host encourage him to spew more.

Listening to eight minutes of Trump is more than I want to ask anybody to do, but take this in for a couple of minutes, as long as you can stand it, and hear how he won’t.shut.up. Maria Bartiromo wanted to touch base on different subjects, but not Trump. He’s been pent up and back in front of his old audience, he went Big Lie, all the way.

Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal released an audio of the six-minute conversation between Trump and Frances Watson, the investigator in Georgia that Trump spoke with after he spoke with the secretary of state about elections fraud. The Washington Post published a correction of its original story on the phone call, because Trump did not say “find the fraud” as quoted, he said that Watson would find “dishonesty” and he didn’t say Watson would be a national hero, he said that she “had the most important job in America.”

The Post published its correction and Trump took it upon himself to go on Fox News and push his Big Lie and diss Mitch McConnell and the Supreme Court and fear monger about H.R.1.

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