Womenz Magazine

Polyamorous throuple’s baby news after husband plans to get both wives pregnant

A polyamorous throuple delighted their fans with baby news.about:blank

Jimmy Silva, 33, ChaCha Va Voom, 31, and Summer Pelltier, 27, are expecting a little boy.

On Instagram this weekend, the trio were excited to announce that ChaCha has fallen pregnant.

They wrote: “SURPRISE!!!! We’ve had a long journey in the last 8-9 years and now our journey is going to include another person.”

The throuple, who got “married” last February, plan to raise the baby together.

They could be expecting more children soon too – with Jimmy previously admitting he wants to get both his wives pregnant at the same time.

Back in November, the American trio spoke eagerly about the prospect of children.

The dad-to-be said: “I wanna get both of them pregnant at the same time.

“So it’s a lot of work for me but I’ll do it.”

As Jimmy has been in a relationship with ChaCha for a decade, they’ve probably been thinking about starting a family for a long time.

They met at school and started dating in their late teens.

The couple have always been romantically open – ChaCha is bisexual so hoped to explore her sexuality with women too.

As Jimmy was open to this idea, it wasn’t too much of a shock when Summer came into their lives.

The trio soon noticed they shared a strong bond and decided to settle down with one another.

After getting hitched and jetting off to honeymoon in Thailand, their 35,400 Instagram followers were waiting to see where the relationship would go next.

So when the throuple announced ChaCha’s pregnancy, they garnered more than 8,300 likes.

One fan gushed: “So happy for you guys!”

Another said: “He’s already so loved! Congrats to you guys.”

A third wrote: “Ahhhh congratulations you three! You guys are gonna have the most beautiful lil baby.”

And another added: “Everyone looks so happy and Jimmy looks so proud.”

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