Womenz Magazine

DICTATOR: Pelosi Argues For Disgusting Power Grab, Says She Can Unseat Any Member Of Congress

During a recent interview, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi stated that as Speaker, she can remove any member of Congress she wants.

“Now, if I wanted to be unfair, I wouldn’t have seated the Republican from Iowa because that was my right on the opening day,” Pelosi said. “I would have just said ‘you’re not seated’ and that would have been my right as Speaker to do.”


The comments from Pelosi came in response to the current situation surrounding Republican Representative Mariannette Miller-Meeks who won her congressional election after she beat Democrat Rita Hart by 6 votes.

Miller-Meeks won fair and square yet Democrats like Pelosi are trying to steal her congressional seat.

Check out what Fox News reported:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi leaving the door open to overturning the certified House election results in Iowa is hypocritical and unfair, Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, asserted on “Fox & Friends Weekend.”

Just six votes separated Republican Mariannette Miller-Meeks from Democrat Rita Hart. Miller-Meeks’ win was certified after a recount process. Ernst pointed out that Hart appealed directly to the House Committee on Administration instead of further challenging the result in Iowa courts.

“Rep. Miller-Meeks has been seated in Congress. She won this election,” Ernst said. “It was certified by Iowans … and now Nancy Pelosi, perhaps, will overturn it. And that is horribly unfair to the voters in the second district in Iowa, and we are pushing back.”

Pelosi in a press conference Thursday told reporters there could “of course” be a scenario where the results are re-examined and overturned.

“Because we know she would love to overturn this election,” Ernst said.

Pelosi’s disgusting power grab is being strongly criticized by both Republicans and Democrats. Former Vice Pence even chimed in on the matter in a tweet.

“After losing 13 seats in the 2020 election, House Democrats have a numbers problem and are trying to grab a House seat in Iowa to fix it,” wrote Pence. “Despite a Bipartisan group of election officials in Iowa voting 5-0 to certify Mariannette [Miller-Meeks] after a recount.”

“Now, Nancy Pelosi has changed her tune—not trusting states to certify their own elections,” he added. “Don’t let House Democrats take this seat to advance their Radical Left agenda. Let’s Stand up for Democracy and Stand with Congresswoman [Miller-Meeks]!”

Earlier in the month, Miller-Meeks joined Fox News to discuss Pelosi’s actions. Read the transcript below:

MILLER-MEEKS: There is no doubt in my mind, and there is no doubt in the bipartisan executive council who certified me the winner. It was not only the secretary of state, it was the bipartisan executive council.

Let me elucidate the facts. I won by a very large margin on election night. Then per Iowa law, all the counties in the 2nd Congressional District have their official county canvas. After that country canvas, I was still ahead in votes. Then my opponent requested a recount. Throughout the recount process, which is a bipartisan recount board of three members of each county having to recount, I was still ahead through all of that process. I was then sworn in on January 3rd. Interestingly enough, during the swearing-in ceremony, there was a vote taken [on whether] all of the members from every state should be seated. Every Democrat voted that every member should be seated, and no one contested, no one stood up on the House floor and contested my being sworn in as the congresswoman from the 2nd Congressional District.

If it’s not enough to win an election by six votes, then why is it enough to have six votes of Democrats on a commission to overturn an election? Iowa law is what determines what our election processes is, how the ballots are included, and all of that was done.

What my opponent wants to do is to violate Iowa law, go against Iowa law, and go against the representation of the voters of Iowa, and disenfranchise 400,000 voters because she didn’t get the results she wanted. She said that in a video. She said she skipped over the Iowa courts and had to go to the House Committee on Administration to get the results we need, not the results of the voters, not the results of the election law in Iowa, but to have Congress decide who gets to represent Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District. Everybody across the country should be outraged by this. I certainly have been encouraged by those people across the country who have reached out to me and told me they’re contacting their representatives to let them know their displeasure.

States should rule their election, voters in that state should decide who represents them. This is a process where they want to go against the laws of our state, the election laws of our state, against the voters of our state, and to determine who they want to seat in Congress.

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