Womenz Magazine

Gov. Brown extends Oregon’s state of emergency for COVID-19 into May

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown on Thursday extended Oregon’s state of emergency declaration for another 60 days. It will continue until May 2.

The declaration legally authorizes Brown’s COVID-19 executive orders and the Oregon Health Authority’s (OHA) health and safety guidance. Extending the declaration allows those orders to remain in effect.

As of Thursday morning, at least 2,194 Oregonians have died due to COVID-19, according to OHA. More than 154,000 COVID cases have been reported in Oregon.

Brown said Oregon’s infection and mortality rates have “consistently remained some of the lowest in the country”. She credited Oregonians with making smart decisions to protect themselves and their families during the pandemic.

“As we vaccinate thousands of Oregonians each day and reopen more school buildings and businesses as safely as possible, now is not the time to let up our guard,” said Brown. “New, more infectious COVID-19 variants are circulating in the United States, including several confirmed cases in Oregon.

We will continue to keep each other safe in the months to come by following the same safety measures we have throughout the pandemic—wearing face coverings, staying home when sick, maintaining physical distance, and avoiding social gatherings.”

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