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Babysitter hears noises upstairs Dad checks hidden camera and captures nightmare in his kitchen

Babysitter hears noises upstairs
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A disturbance is heard upstairs by the babysitter. Dad checks the hidden camera and captures a nightmare in his kitchen. When one nanny arrived home one day, she instantly sensed that something wasn’t right, so she grabbed the kit she was in charge of and made a break for it. It wasn’t until the child’s father saw the frightening CCTV film that they realized what happened.

Jonathan Lee lives in Irvine, California, with his family. Lee and his wife have a three-year-old kid. However, because they both have busy lives, they are not always available 24 hours a day. According to the New York Times Brief reports, Jenna Lee Baker was a great option for the couple’s search for a nanny to care for their child.

Little did they realize at the time exactly how much Baker would come to mean to them, though. Baker and the three-year-old were doing chores one day in the summer of 2017. It’s likely that the couple couldn’t wait to go home after completing their jobs, but they had no clue what awaited them.

Baker had a horrible feeling that something was wrong as she opened the door. The little one had already skipped into the home before she realized it. Baker, certain of the danger, persuaded him to return, and it was a good thing she did, for just then, Baker heard footsteps pounding down the stairs.

As a result, Baker ran into the house, grabbed the boy, and carried him out. She then dashed to a neighbor’s house for help. Baker reenacted the scenario for Inside Edition in August 2017 and claimed, “I turned around and grabbed him.”

The nanny then ran down the driveway and onto the street, not even waiting to put her shoes on. Baker’s intuition had warned her that something was wrong with the house. But it wasn’t until later that she realized the entire depth of the danger she and the kid had been in.

Yes, the disturbing reality was found only after the child’s father arrived home and checked the CCTV footage. The video showed that while Baker and the youngster were away, the burglar broke into the Lay family’s house.

He’d gone into the kitchen from there, where he found the nanny’s purse. The burglar then proceeded to unload the bag onto the counter to see what may be stolen.

Furthermore, this burglar was a thorough thief who made certain that no stone was left unturned. After finishing in the kitchen, the offender moved through the rest of the home looking for valuables, such as checking the children’s room for items from my wife’s pocketbook.

He’s got his hand on the door to my kids’ bedroom, and just entering in is frightening for me, Leigh stated as he rewatched the video. When the thief heard Baker approach home, he must have decided he’d overstayed his welcome because he fled down the stairs and out the front door.

In fact, the video showed him leaving the house just seconds after the nanny and child after the incident. Police in the area stated that they were looking for a suspect in connection with the incident. He was described as an African American man between the ages of 18 and 25.

He was also wearing a polka dot backpack and weighed around £170, according to police. Lee feels that the person was not working alone after reviewing the CCTV footage. He was always on his phone, he told ABC Seven Eyewitness News.

He was on his phone from the moment he stepped into the backyard, all the way into the house, all the way up into our room, and all the way back down. Lee stated that the suspect tried to enter the house by breaking a window fitting, but when that failed, he just broke through a glass door.

A shocking set of events occurred in broad daylight. The father also stated in court that the experience had left him disturbed. The burglar ruined my entire feeling of security in my house, therefore I feel really violated, said Leigh.

It’s unknown what would have occurred if Baker had met paths with the thief, and for Lee, the fact that they were home and he was inside the house was the worst thing. Now, the family is just relieved that everything worked out the way it did, and they are always grateful to Baker for saving their son.

According to Inside Edition, they now refer to her as their supernatural. What she did for my child and what she does on a daily basis is amazing. I am very glad she is in our lives. Baker says she was merely doing her job by caring for the child. I don’t consider myself a hero, she explained. When his parents are away, I love him because they put their confidence in me to keep him safe.

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