Womenz Magazine

[VIDEO] Rachel Maddow Sounds Scared to Death Over Arizona Audit

According to the report, Rachel Maddow, the Queen of Fake News and Russia Boogiemen is trembling in her communist boots right now over what’s going down in Arizona. they’re finally doing a full-blown review in Arizona, in a case of the most speechless timing known to humanity, and if it’s done honestly, it will show that President Trump won.

According to top Trump aide and loyalist, Peter Navarro Rachel knows in her bones is this election was stolen, Peter said. “It was stolen by Molly Balls’ team on TIME magazine. She named, they bragged about it,”

He went on to say accordingly that, “What Rachel was doing was inoculating the left against the reality the high probability that they’re going to find of those 2.1 million ballots massive and different types of fraud.” He’s right. She’s scared.

You can watch the video below:

They’re all scared. She said: “This is a ridiculous story that will become very dangerous in the long run. It will become a lie that the craziest part of the pro-Trump conspiracy theory world will try to live on and build on for a long time to come.”

Because they can pump out all the fake polls they want and censor the news, but the truth is nothing will help Dementia Biden in the long run, because Americans didn’t vote for the “3rd Obama term,” and everybody identifies that.

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