Womenz Magazine

[VIDEO] ABC Airs Absolutely Scathing Piece On Biden’s “Mayhem Border” …They Torched Him


ABC’s Good Morning America just torched Biden for the border “mayhem.”

I will say this, they didn’t hold back much at all.

As a matter of fact, after this report, I’d be surprised if that reporter still has a job.

Americans have been calling on Biden to go to the border so he can see firsthand what his cruddy policies have done, but he won’t do it.

As a matter of fact, he just said today that he “has no plans to go.”

Gee, great “leader.”

Republicans on the other hand are heading down to the border in droves –  and because of that, it’s turning into a political crisis for Joe.


And then ABC swooped in and really walloped Joe.

Reporter Cecelia Vega torched Joe by saying, “it is total mayhem” and then reporting that Democrats are “growing increasingly frustrated” with Biden.



The most disgusting part of all of this is that Nancy Pelosi had the audacity to go on TV and claim that the crisis at the border is President Trump’s fault.

There are some 13K kids in “cages” on the border – we’re told they’re sleeping on the floor and can’t shower, and suddenly, the left is quiet about the plight of kids, and they’re blaming a man who isn’t even in office anymore, and who left the country’s border in complete control.

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