Womenz Magazine

7 Tips to Tone Your Hips

Tone Your Hips

Many people complain about weight gain on the hips, and think that no matter how much they exercise, it doesn’t seem to bring out any results. They sulk on how they can’t wear a two-piece bikini to the beach because it is more of an embarrassment.your hipsWell it is not wrong to say that hips and thighs are two areas where excess fat gets stored, especially for women. So, how do you get rid of this stubborn fat on your hips? Don’t worry it is not impossible or difficult. To begin, you can do a couple of staple exercises that will tame the cellulite around your hips. All this can help you to get the best results. If you don’t believe us, then try these easy to-do-at home exercises to get your hips in shape.


Stand straight, and keep your feet shoulder-width apart.
Keeping your back straight, bend your knees slowly. Gradually lower your body by pushing your hips back. As you go lower, stretch your hands straight in front of you.
Keep the weight steady on your feet and upper thighs, and not on your knees. It is like pretending to sit on an imaginary chair.
Try to maintain this position for 8-10 breaths.
Then, slowly come back to the original standing position.Women SquatsTo increase the difficulty level, try putting your body weight on your toes and squat. You can also use dumbbells and place your arms parallel to the ground. Or, use a weight plate and hold it with both hands, and keep your arms parallel to the floor. You will feel the glutes muscles being exercised and pushed to the limits.

Standing Side-kick

    First make sure there is a wall or a strong chair by your side before you do this one.
    Now, stand with your feet shoulder width apart and hands on your waist.
    Slowly raise your right leg to the side at hip height till it is parallel to the floor.
    Hold your leg for 3 counts and bring it back to the original position.
    Repeat with left leg.
    Do it at least 15-20 times in 4 sets.Standing Side kickThis is a great kick-boxing pose that all ladies must add to their fitness regime. If you are not used to strenuous exercises or are not flexible enough, then for starters use a chair or a wall for the support as you lift your leg. Afterwards get rid of the support for better results.

Hip Raise

Hip RaiseLie down flat on your back with your knees slightly bent and your hands by your side.
Keeping your feet firmly on the floor, lift your hips a little. Keep your body weight balanced on your hands and feet.
Now, slowly raise your left leg in front. And, keep the toe pointing towards the ceiling.
Hold this position for five seconds, and bring it back to the original (knee bent) position.
Repeat with right leg. This completes one rep.
Do 10 reps in each set; begin with two sets and then increase it to four sets.

One-sided Leg Lifts

Lie down on an exercise mat, on your side.
Keep your legs stacked, with one on top of the other.
Place one hand under your head, and keep the other stretched by your side, on top of your legs.
Now, slowly lift the leg that is on the top. Keep stretching it as far as possible, and hold the position for 5-8 counts.
Slowly come back to the original position.
Repeat this at least 5 times before moving on to the other side.One sided Leg LiftsTo increase the difficulty level in this one, you can lift both the legs instead of one. As the first leg reaches a comfortable position, lift the second one to meet it mid-air. If you are going for a double leg lift, then keep your one hand under your head, and the other one on the floor in front of you to manage your body weight better.

Seated Leg Raise

Seated Leg RaiseSit comfortably on a bench, chair or a mediball with knees rested at a 90-degree angle and feet firmly on the floor.
Rest your hands on your side and lift both your legs.
Try holding this position for about 15-20 seconds, and breathe normally.
Lower your legs, coming back to the original positions
Once you get comfortable with this exercise, hold your legs in the air for at least 30-40 seconds.
Just make sure that your back straight always remains straight.

Superman Leg Raise (On the floor)

Superman Leg RaiseSpread a mat on the floor and get on all your fours with weight evenly balanced between your hands and knees, to avoid any injury.
Raise your left leg behind you, till it is parallel to the ground. Make sure you don’t bend your elbow while stretching your leg.
Hold this position till a count of 5 seconds and then get back to the original position.
Repeat with right leg to complete one rep.
Do at least 4 reps in one set and gradually increase the number of sets to 4.

Source: Yahoo

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