Womenz Magazine

Flat Noodles Stir-Fried Sausage Sauce Spicy

Flat Noodles Stir Fried Sausage Sauce Spicy

Flat Noodles Stir Fried Sausage Sauce Spicy Recipe

This is a European style dishes are very easy to prepare. With a little olive oil, spicy sausage, tomato sauce … noodles become familiar strange mouth.


  • flat noodles cooked 200gr
  • 10ml olive oil
  • spicy sausage 70gr
  • Tomato Sauce 100g
  • Tipo 20gr cooked beans
  • A little herbs


– flat noodles cooked
– Saute mixture of spicy sausage, peas Tipo with olive oil, then add the tomato sauce.
– Put sauce over noodles or pasta and mix with sauce mixture.
– To spread the chopped herbs on
– Use the cheese with flour

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