Womenz Magazine

Dr. Fauci has just dropped this new warning for all states in the US

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the chief medical advisor to the White House, has just issued this new warning for every state in the US.

State officials have been warned by the nation’s leading infectious disease expert about prematurely rolling back COVID-19 public safety measures.

On Sunday, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the chief medical advisor to the White House, warned that just because the US is seeing a decline in new COVID-19 cases doesn’t mean that public health measures such as indoor gathering capacity limits, face mask mandates, and more, should be prematurely rolled back. Dr. Fauci says that states “just need to hang on a bit longer”, and that states turning restrictions “on and off” could cause another surge in cases.

The infectious disease expert continued to explain that the rollback of restrictions needs to be done gradually as we continue to vaccinate millions of Americans. “This is not going to be indefinite. We need to gradually pull back as we get people vaccinated,” said Fauci.

States such as Texas and Mississippi have already decided to ease some restrictions even though new variants of the virus are emerging around the country. For more information on this story, visit this link here.

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