Womenz Magazine

8 Good Food That Every Woman Should Have While Pregnant

courtesy via magforwomen

When a woman is pregnant, she is taking care of two lives – hers as well as her baby’s. This means that not only does she need the baby’s share of nutrition and food to go via her, but also extra food and nutrition for her to bear the development of the baby inside her womb for nine months.

Needless to say, a woman’s body goes through various changes during pregnancy. As a result, their dietary needs change, and it becomes vital to provide them with good, nutritious food for the health and safety of both the mother and the child.

Here is a sneak-peek into the good food that every woman should have while pregnant:

  1. Eggs

Eggs not only provide a lot of protein, which is important for the growth and development of the baby, but also provide important vitamins and minerals for the mother. They also help in the brain development of the baby.

  1. Beans & Lentils

They are vital for providing the fiber needed to fight against constipation. More importantly, they fulfill the folate requirements on a daily basis and are vital for maintaining the mother’s health. One can consume them in soups, salads or in many other ways.

  1. Green Leafy Vegetables

These include Spinach, Broccoli and the likes. They are rich in Calcium and Folate, and also help to fulfill the daily requirements of Iron and Vitamin C. Again, these can be consumed in a variety of ways combined with other healthy food items.

  1. Berries

Berries of all kinds are packed with Vitamin C, and are also rich sources of folate and fiber, all of which are important for the bodily needs of a pregnant woman.

  1. Milk

A pregnant woman’s body needs twice the amount of calcium than a regular woman, because the bones need to be strong to support childbirth. Hence, consuming low-fat milk on a regular basis during pregnancy is vital.

  1. Bananas

They are rich in potassium and also help to fight off pregnancy nausea. They are usually soft on the stomach and are considered quite healthy for pregnant women.

  1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal gives you plenty of energy to start off your day well, and is also good for keeping you satiated for long. It also helps to lower cholesterol levels in the body and is a good meal for pregnant women.

  1. Nuts

Nuts are good for giving the right amount of fats to the body, and they also provide energy. Moreover, they help in the brain development of the baby. Some women may be allergic to certain kinds of nuts, so medical supervision and approval is advised for this.

These are just some of the foods that pregnant women must consume. Of course, each person has a different body type, and each pregnancy case is different with different requirements, so your doctor will be the best person to guide you on the exact proportions and quantities of all these food items.

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