Womenz Magazine

The Host Movie

The Host Movie Images

The setting of movie “The Host” is based on Stephenie Meyer’s novel of the same name. The director is Andrew Nicol and cast of The Host includes Saorise Ronan, Max Irons and Jake Abel.

Host Movie Posters

The main idea of the film is that humans are being taken over by alien souls in this woeful world. The host predicts the thinking of alien souls that humans are destructive, cruel and mean. Aliens think that it is their obligation and right to save this world by taking over the human bodies. The director of The Host movie also did screen writing which is a good idea indeed.

Host The Movie

The consciousness of the original owner of the body eventually erase as a soul is implanted in the host body. Melaine (Saorice Ronan) tries to hide her self from alien souls with her brother Jamie (Chandler Canterbury) and her lover Jared (Max Irons). But unfortunately she became the victim of a soul named “Wanderer” while protecting her brother. Now Melaine mentally began to resist Wanderer (soul that over took her) and then love and chaos begins. Saorise played her role very well. Her acting in The Host movie is totally tremendous.

The Host Movie 2013There is also love; fight and friendship in the movie and every actor give its best in The Host movie. Though it is quite tough for an actress to play two characters in one body but Saorise did it very well and she is perfection. She did each and every act of The Host movie without looking too much crazy. In her first scene, when she interacts with the soul in her body, it seems a little bit humorous. They both were fighting like small kids when fight for toys.

Host Movie

Soon Wanda sees all of Melanie’s memories and then realizes that Melanie is a strong lady and a caring person who love her brother and boyfriend very much. There are also some sentiments seen in The Host movie on certain occasions. Wanda learns that Melanie is truly a good lady who can do anything for her loved ones and this thinking moulds her heart.

The Host Movie Photos

Seeing all the memories of Melanie, Wanda start to feel what Melanie feels and then Wanda realize that this is not the right path that she is following. So she decided to escape from other aliens and learns to love the humans. Here The Host movie also reflects the power of love. Though Wanda is an alien but Melanie and her other group members (brother and her lover) starts to love her as well.

A human named Ian (Jake Abel) starts to fall for the alien Wanda and she with him. But the things that made some scene awkward in The Host movie is that Melanie and Wanda are in the same body. But over all, the acting was very good that can amuse viewers.

The cast of the host Movie is fantastic and every actor has played his/her role truly and rightly. Saorise should be awarded for playing her difficult role in extremely well mannered and right way. Everything in the host movie makes sense and there are also some comical situations in the movie. The movie has also an optimistic approach towards humanity that can easily be seen when Wanda gets impressed by the kindness and love of Melanie towards humanity. Every human has its own nature either good or bad but to eradicate cruelty and brutality from the world, the only tool is love. In The Host movie alien soul is so influenced by the love that she changes her aim to taking control over humans’ body. The two hours movie portrait the loving nature of human beings and tells how love and affection can make your enemies your friends.

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