Womenz Magazine

Tips to Make Body Waxing Less Painful

Body Waxing Tips

Body Waxing TipsBody waxing has been in the tradition of being performed by women using various methods.  This is a necessity as well mandatory for all to get rid of unnecessary hair from the body. Thus, we have some beneficial waxing tips. So next time when you plan to do body waxing, keep our waxing tips in mind.

The first waxing tip for body waxing is to strictly avoid the body waxing attempt three days prior to or the first three days of your menstrual cycle. The reason being you’re over sensitive skin. In this particular time period, body waxing can prove to be painful. Thus the waxing tip is to do it after a minimum if three days.

The next waxing tip is to avoid attempting to wax that tricky area especially the bikini line without having enough practice on the leg or the arms. Do this body waxing practice often to make sure that the hand is steady with the spatula so that for example you don’t accidentally take off part of your eyebrow hair. This can be taken care of if planning for waxing the face. Thus, the waxing tip is to get enough practice first.

Waxing tips often involves a list of instructions before using any specific liquid for body waxing.  Thus, it is necessary to read through the body waxing tips. Never go for the shortcuts as they can prove to be painful. The people who give waxing tips for body waxing have been in this procedure for years. Thus, it is beneficial to take tips from them as well.

Waxing tips says that never wax the sunburned skin. What you can do is take anti-histamine before performing waxing to prevent bumps or irritation of any kind. Remember to wait for the normal skin free of acne or burns before performing body waxing.

The most important and beauty enhancing waxing tip is to exfoliate the day before you plan to go for body waxing. When you exfoliate in the shower, this helps in getting rid of the dead skin and allows the shorter hair to hold grip. The other waxing tip is to use the hard wax which is gentler than the soft wax.

The last useful waxing tip is to cough so as to distract you from the pain which results from body waxing.

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